This year, I'm delighted to be team-teaching a new course on social media strategy at New York University with my friends and colleagues
Tom Watson and
Howard Greenstein. The course expands a pilot social media strategy course I put together for NYU's
Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising last spring -- and builds it into a 13-week class for the Center's Master's program.
The class is "The Wired Nonprofit 2012: Social Media Strategy and Practice" and Tom, Howard and I will be helping graduate students and future advocacy leaders "to create a comprehensive social media strategy for their organizations." Last year, I asked Tom and Howard to help me further develop the course for the Master's program, and I'm excited (and honored) to have lift-off.
The class began last night and will run through May 2nd. The three of us will be sharing some of the discussion, highlights from the class blog, comments from some of our guest speakers and links for some of the readings. I'll also be sharing some of the highlights here on
Cause Global. You also can follow us at
#wnpNYU on Twitter.
On another academic note, I'm also again curating
Philanthropy 3.0, the Heyman Center's speaker series, a forum I developed for the Center last year that features national leaders in philanthropy innovation debating disruptive changes in the sector, including the latest influences of social media, cause video, the social enterprise movement and mobile fundraising/advocacy. I'll be moderating (and covering) those discussions for
Cause Global and will be sharing the stage with some of today's most exciting new voices in social media.
Watch this space for updates.
-- Marcia Stepanek
(Illustration by Milos Marek)
Labels: heyman center speaker series, howard greenstein, new york university tom watson, nyu heyman center, philanthropy 3.0, social media, social media strategy