Sunday, April 11, 2010


Here's a look at Saturday's Seattle flash mob in Pioneer Square's Occidental Mall, dancing to some of the hit music from Glee. Co-organizer Bobby Bonsey, a freelance choreographer and photographer, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's blogger Monica Guzman yesterday : "I want people to be staring at their computer and be watching this and have that really cool smile just creep across their faces, and have those goose-bumps." Besides this one, Bonsey's flash mobs around Glee also occurred at Seattle's Pike Place Market and Kerry Park in Queen Anne.

Memo to social change advocates: an estimated 3,000 people took part across the three locations; unlike most flash mobs to date, these were mildly choreographed and rehearsed in public parks yesterday morning prior to their tri-space debut, which had been kept somewhat of a secret to the general public. Mobile tech played a huge role in organizing, of course -- and the addition now of new geo-location apps are just making it easier to scale the size of the crowd, Bonsey says.

Are Cause Mobs next? Let us hear from you on that.

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Blogger @HeyJK @HandsOnNetwork said...


We're pretty interested in cause mobs, but only if they result in real, meaningful impact.

We've been keeping our I on the crop mobs - volunteers coming out to participate in sustainable, organic farming.


April 12, 2010 at 9:32 PM  

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