Social Actions Roundup 4

Here's Social Actions' most recent round-up, a special MLK Day/Obama Inauguration wrap:
CauseGlobal posted a guide to participating in the Obama inauguration using social media.
Seth Godin reflected on the National Day of Service.
Winners of Houston's MLK Oratory Competition were selected.
Britt Bravo shared Five ways to participate on the MLK Day of Service.
Social Actions branded its search engine with the MLK silhouette and launched MLKActions on Twitter.
Zazengo launched its MLK Impact Challenge on Facebook. covered's Ideas for Change in America Competition and Obama's Citizen Briefing Book.
I voted for the black half t-shirts and blog
Regular News Roundup
NTEN and TechSoup Global announced their free webinar series on Storytelling & Social Media.
Firstgiving surpassed $80 million raised for nonprofits since its inception in 2003. announced the winners of its Ideas for Change in America Competition. posted an interview with Beth Kanter about offline and online organizing.
Amazee launched a Facebook application.
CauseGlobal reported on the role of Twitter in covering the US Airways crash landing.
Alan Wolk asked, Will Facebook Be The Death of Twitter?
PolicyPitch asked visitors for feedback on a Web site redesign.
MicroPlace asked, Where's the innovation in micro-finance?.
Tom Watson talked about CauseWired and online social activism on the podcast, 501c3cast.
Gabriel Kasper of the Monitor Institute shared his thoughts on what online giving marketplaces might mean for philanthropy.
Jean Butzen posted on the SSIR site an example of making nonprofit collaboration a foundation strategy.
Carl Bialik of The Wall Street Journal critiqued charity evaluators (hat-tip Tactical Philanthropy).
Wikipedia reported that it raised $6.2 million from 125,000 donors over the holidays.
Beth Kanter explained what she thinks the State of the Twitterspace report means for nonprofits.
The Extraordinaries covered the Met Council program of volunteer phone calls to senior citizens.
FastCompany shared a list of the Most Influential Women in Technology (including Beth Kanter, Gina Bianchini, and Kaliya Hamlin)GeniusRocket previewed its new Web site.
Care2's Frogloop blog shared 10 fast tips to boost your e-newsletter performance.
Ashoka and We Media launched The Power of Us - Re-Imagine Media competition (hat-tip Ideablob).
Nathaniel Whittemore reflected on charities' existential dilemma.
Sasha Dichter offered a theory about why overhead ratios are meaningless for Kiva and Acumen Fund.
Kiva shared a video called, The Story of a Kiva Loan.
Recent Discoveries
Fiscal Sponsorship Directory (hit-tip 501c3cast)Building a Regional Entrepreneurship Network: A Guide to Action
Resist Network - Your ideas for social change
The Peace, Justice, and Environment Project (PJEP)'s guide to Strategic Planning
Twestival - Tweet. Meet. Give.
Social Actions hosted a Q&A conference call about its upcoming Change the Web Challenge. SA also is asking for nominations of judges for its upcoming Change the Web Challenge.Social Actions launched its revamped social network, My Social Actions.
What are Social Actions Round-Ups?
Each week, Social Actions community members post links and news about online social action applications and nonprofit activism. This round-up is a summary of just some of the links that surfaced in the last week, through January 21. You can share links and news for future Social Actions round-ups in the Peer-to-Peer Social Change FriendFeed Room. You can also check out past round-ups here and can tag your delicious bookmarks with "p2pchange" or include "#p2pchange" in your tweets; Social Actions will scoop them up and review them.
Social Actions round-ups are syndicated on CauseWired, CauseGlobal, TakePart, and NetSquared.
(Photoillustration, Mouse, by
Labels: ashoka, beth kanter, charity watchdogs, Facebook, firstgiving, geniusrocket,, jean butzen, MLK Day, social actions roundup, the extraordinaries, twestival, twitter
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